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M484GCS Version 8.1 Released


This is an important bug fix update which repairs 10 bugs.
Some of them were old bugs that have been there since V1, and some were newer ones that I discovered soon after continuing my game projects at the beginning of this month.

Problems fixed in this update include: The flashing "empty block" bug, broken inheritance flags in "Data Page 5" and the "Delay 1 = No Delay at all"-logic error in all Movement/Animation/Shot Delays, + many others.


Also it now seems that the previous version (8.0) had a nasty "frame skip" problem, which was caused by the new "VWait:Flip False"-command pair that replaced the old "Flip"-method...
What happened is that in some (hopefully) rare cases there was a strange "frame skip" issue; objects seemed to "jump", as if the frame rate would make small changes constantly and smooth looking movement was lost.

I'm not sure what exactly caused this phenomenon, but it was clearly related to the "VWait:Flip False"-method; so I have now changed the commands back to the normal "Flip", which seems to work fine.

As an afterthought, maybe the reason for the problem was some kind of "WaitTimer" + "VWait" side effect; combined use of these commands might have caused some frames to be "lost"...but I don't know for sure.

So, if anyone has experienced this "frame skip" problem in V8.0, then upgrading to V8.1 will fix it.


Also, most likely there will be yet another small upgrade coming to the M484GCS in a few weeks time...
I'm currently trying to finish one co-operation game project with one of my friends, and in order to make certain features of this game work properly, some small things still need to be added to the program. So most likely Version 8.2 is not so far away...
And actually I considered delaying this release (V8.1) for a few weeks more and then make one bigger upgrade. But I decided to release V8.1 right now because there are so many important bug fixes in it, and because the release schedule of V8.2 is still uncertain (estimate is few weeks, but who knows how much stuff will be added to it, so it could easily take longer than that).

So, upgrade to V8.1 everyone, and then wait for V8.2 and great demo games. :)

Added by: Master484 | Date: 2014-01-17 | Comments (0)

«  January 2014  »
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