Although I actually made that about a week ago, but as you know, all new stuff that I make I first put to OpenGameArt, where it'll be instantly available to much larger audiences, and then later the stuff gets added and announced here. :)
Also, I have updated the Open Gunner basic gfx...I upgraded the walking animations of the main hero, it now bounces up and down as a runner should, and many small issues were fixed with the legs and shading. The new version is already up both here and at OGA, definitely check it out if you're using the Open Gunner GFX set:
And also I recently added "OGA-BY" as a possible license to all my CC-BY 3.0 licensed works at OGA...they're actually almost the same license; OGA-BY just removes the "techincal restrictions" clause of the CC-BY 3.0 that seemed to bother some people. :)