Main » 2013 » July » 14 » Corruption in Europe
6:53 PM Corruption in Europe |
Hehe, take a look at the latest poll at the Euronews website:
"Do you think you live in a corrupt country?" is the question, and over 85% of all answers say YES. Just 13% say NO, and only 1% doesn't know.
So, here we can see, that the people in fact KNOW that their countries are Corrupt. The rulers are corrupt, the banks are corrupt and the system is corrupt.
Here we have the finest examples of democracy: The Fine European Countries ... But when you ask the people, 85% say without hesitation that their countries are Corrupt. :D
So, it's actually true folks; the Revolution is coming. The PEOPLE KNOW that the system is corrupt. And more importantly: they Know that Everyone else Knows this too. And this Knowledge in turn gives them Courage, and a Moral Justification to take Rebellious actions. Because they Know that the Majority of the People will support them. The Gaze of the Overlords doesn't frighten them anymore.
Because they (K)now that (E)veryone (K)nows. It's the "KEK formula". The people KEK. They KEK.
Added by: Master484
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