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10:32 PM
Monthly Status Report

Ok, time to "tweet" my status again. :)

Good progress has been with Version 8, and when it's released it'll bring many new important features to the program.

In fact this update will quite likely be the biggest update ever; as big as the mammoth V6.0 upgrade some months ago.

And also this is why everything seems so silent at this point; I'm now using most of my time programming...but of course to the outside observer it might seem like "nothing seems to be happening, has he finally given up?" :)
But that's not the case, silence actually means that things are getting done, but all this happens in secret.

Also this is a "one man project" where the entire project depends on one person...there are a lot of tasks in this project, such as: programming, making tutorials, example games and graphics, updating the blog, forum and this website, finishing the "Side Blaster" project and some other projects, "marketing" the project (telling people about it, trying to get attention in various places), and so on. Between these tasks I must divide my time, and all time invested into one task is away from something else.

And the most important task of course is programming: without it the program itself won't progress forwards. And progress forward it must, if it is to become a finished product one day. So the website, the forum, example games, tutorials, in the end these all have secondary importance; the coding is what matters the most. Although those other things are important too, but they can always be done later. :)

And of course the "Programming" task itself is further divided into many "sub tasks" such as:
- Adding new features
- Improving the current features
- Improving the code itself (efficiency, readablility, size reduction etc)
- Bug Fixing

And when I'm doing the "Adding New Features" thing, I have to plan very carefully WHAT features to add and in which order...there is a huge list of ideas and plans, and everything can't be done at once. And sometimes when adding new things I notice that in order to add them, thing X shound be implemented first, or that before implementing thing X, feature Z should be first upgraded in ways A and B, and so on.

And so simple sounding tasks like "let's add feature X" will often turn out to be much more complex that what they seemed to be. And so time estimates like "should be ready in a few weeks" turn out to be "2 months at least". :)

So, let's keep our minds cool, and patiently wait for Version 8...I think I'll release it early December. (1st of December I would say)

Added by: Master484 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Master484  
I know; I just like to keep people "up to date" on what is happening behind the scenes. smile

1 PlayerCharacter  
You have no obligation to update us or anything. Just do your thing, we are patient.

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«  November 2013  »
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